Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Daily Bread

John 15:7 - "If you dwell in me and my words dwell in you then you may ask what you desire and it shall be done for you."

The Greek word 'menein' may be translated "remain, abide, dwell, or stay." We are to let Christ dwell in our hearts by faith and we are to dwell in Him by faith (Ephesians 3:17). Dwelling in Christ is an ongoing commitment to the fact that He is our redeemer who paid the price for our salvation. We, therefore, refuse to doubt in His love and commitment to us and we refuse to doubt our love and commitment to Him. Dwelling in Christ is, in fact, a relationship word. It is a relationship of the highest order because dwelling in Christ speaks of our identity in Him. Being in Christ means, "that as He is in this world so are we," and "for me to live is Christ" (1 John 4:17; Philippians 1:21). In the gospel of John we observe how that it was through the relationship that Jesus had with His Father that He did the mighty miracles (John 11:41; 6:11; 5:19-23). It is through our relationship with Jesus that we are able to "ask what we desire and it shall be done."


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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