I have received a miracle - a true miracle from the Lord!
Last night in church, Geneva preached the Gospel with all boldness and with passion and began to endeavor to provoke us to have a move of God in our own lives - not just in church but during the rest of the week as well! After she preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, she called those up for prayer who needed healing. I went up for what I thought was a healing of a spot in the middle of my lower back that had been suffering pain from an injury over 2 years ago.
But as I was standing in the prayer line, it occurred to me that I actually needed a miracle in my spine as my whole back had been messed up, basically, my whole life. I was born with a hip dislocation, and it messed up my spine. I had a s-curve in my spine, but I guess it wasn't the kind of s-curve that they could diagnose as scoliosis. By the time Geneva got to me to ask what I needed healing for, I told her that I was pressing in for a creative miracle in my spine. She spoke the Word of the Lord to me. She said that when the children of Israel left Egypt, and there was not one feeble one among them. Why? Because they were covered in the blood (of the Passover lamb). She asked me, "Are you covered in the blood (of Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world)?" I responded with all boldness, 'I'm covered in the blood!'
As I was lying on the floor under the power of God, I eventually realized that I wasn't in pain. For the first time in my whole life, I was lying on my back, and it didn't hurt! I'd never been able to lie flat on my back without extreme discomfort. After I got up, I told Geneva that I was without pain for the first time I could remember in my whole life. And I went back down under the power of God. When I got up again, I sat down in a chair, and I noticed that I was sitting up straight, just like they told us to in school. I noticed that my spine was touching the back of the chair, and I was able to sit up perfectly straight, with both feet firmly on the floor - without pain for the first time ever! I had such a deep sway in my back before that I could only get my spine against the back of a chair by slumping or by concentrated effort with pain.
Whenever they would tell us to sit up straight at our desks in school, I would just sit there, suffering in silence thinking, 'But it hurts to do that.' I didn't know that wasn't normal. I just thought they were trying to add one more bit of torture to the daily routine (my school years were such that I thought that shool was nothing more than a glorified torture chamber where they torture little kids like little kids torture bugs and other little kids, but that's a whole, 'nother long story in itself for another time perhaps).
I was always told that the way I was sitting was going to cause me to have back problems later on in life. And, sure enough, over the years - and especially in the last 2 years - my back has progressively gotten worse. After the Lord did what only He could do, every moment I was discovering something new that I couldn't do before - some little thing that most people can do so effortlessly that they take it for granted. I was doing neck rolls - to the glory of God - and nothing was crunching. The rolls were smooth, not interrupted by some painful kink here, or there, or everywhere my neck would turn. I could do things with my arms that I couldn't do before without pain or discomfort. When I stood up it felt differently standing on my own two feet. Both feet were firmly planted on the floor, and I was standing up straight. Walking was different. Everything was different! I literally left an old decrepit body behind, and everything was made new!
I didn't even know how crippled I was until after I was healed. Had not a clue. I thought that what I was living with in every day life was normal! But now I know that pain is not normal! Limited mobility is not normal! I have muscles that have perhaps never been activated before. When I told my mom this morning about what happened, and how I could sit up straight in a chair without pain or lie flat on my back without extreme discomfort, she said she never knew that I lived like that even as a kid. I told her I didn't know that there was anything to tell. I didn't think anything of it; it's what I'd lived with from the time I was born. How could I tell anyone? I mean, you don't tell someone about something that's just part of "normal" everyday life anymore than you'd tell someone that you're breathing, right?
When I was driving home from church, with a brand new back, a brand new spine, the memory of all the little kinks that used to be were still fresh enough in my mind that I could see where it was all leading. It was leading to my trying to walk around as a little old lady all twisted up and knotted up, all hunched and bent over. But God had another plan. Jesus said to a bunch of Pharisees who were all bent out of shape because He healed a hunched over woman on the Sabbath, “You hypocrites! Which of you won’t untie your animals and lead them to water to drink on the Sabbath? Ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan had bound for these past 18 years, be loosed from her bondage?”
I don’t know if you can fully comprehend what it’s like to know nothing but pain in your back and hips from the time of your birth to suddenly be free from pain. I can tell you for sure by experience what I didn’t know before. PAIN IS NOT NORMAL! I now have a taste, for the first time in my life, that not being able to have full functionality of your body or to have to operate around pain is NOT NORMAL!
This is what is normal and right to expect: Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing (not kinked up, crunched down, and bent over!) to show that the Lord is upright (in all that He does). He alone is my Rock, and in Him is no unrighteousness whatsoever!!!
Lord, You are good, and Your mercy endures forever! Thank You so much for setting me free!!! Jesus, there's nothing about You that isn't wonderful! And I need You more today than I did yesterday. And I love You more than I did 2 seconds ago! :)
You're so good!!! I want to be with You forever! Thank You for making a way. :) I love You!