Around same the time that my spine - which was deformed due to a hip dislocation which occurred at birth - was miraculously healed, Pastor Mark was out of the country preaching the Gospel in Papua New Guinea, and God was stretching forth His hand performing mighty signs and wonders in the name of His holy child, Jesus. It was reported that around the same time I received a mighty miracle whereby God, by His mighty power, rearranged my mutilated and twisted up spine, God was also doing a unique thing in Papua New Guinea of miraculously healing backs.
Since Pastor Mark's return, we've seen film clips from the missions trip which included footage of an out-of-control demoniac child miraculously and gloriously set free from captivity, a young man born deaf hearing and speaking for the first time in his life, swelling in a gland from tuberculosis going down right before the eyes of all viewing. We saw people going out under the power of God as they were led into the waters of baptism right after giving their lives to Christ and coming up out of the water under the power of God as well. It was reported that many awakened and rose up speaking with the glorious language of heaven by the power of the Holy Ghost being uttered from their lips for the very first time.
When asked why the miracles are not happening in the United States like they are in other countries - especially those less developed - Pastor Mark replied, "They are! What are you doing?"
Perhaps the miracles are not happening on the same scale as in other countries where people aren't predesposed by doctrines of man and of devils to resisting the Holy Ghost, but they are happening nonetheless. It is suggested that if more people were believing the Gospel and being doers of the Word of God and not merely hearers only, the miracles would be happening on the same scale - if not on a larger scale.