Daily Bread - NOV/23/07
Romans 4:15 - For the law brings about wrath for where there is no law there is no transgression.
Those who would think for a minute that they are no longer responsible for their sin now that the law has been abolished would have to ignore the whole of the Bible that warns against sin and its consequence. Just step back and ask yourself why would God want to redeem us from sin? Is sin something that God would fellowship with now or in the future? Can sin be acceptable or agreeable to God? Perhaps if you dress it up and send it to church and give it some money to place in the offering then it is okay? Is the sin of a saint more tolerable than the sin of a sinner? Shall we rejoice that we can now sin and not be concerned of a possible judgment because we are not under the law? What we fail to realize is that God hates sin of any kind so much that He made Hell an eternal judgment against it. If sin is acceptable in any form then shouldn't God repent for making Hell and just do away with it and any notion of judgment in the future?
Could it be that the salvation that is in Christ Jesus delivered us from sin and its desire and liberated us to walk in the life of God? (1 Peter 2:24; Romans 6; 2 Corinthians 5:17). The message of the Bible is that righteousness is far better than sin and that the ways of God are far better than the twisted nature of the devil. Shouldn't we rather rejoice that we have been delivered from the power of sin and are liberated to know God and the glorious realms of His abundant life? Why would we look for permission to hold on to sin after the message of salvation and liberation has come? What Paul would say to those who would think that they could continue in sin because they are not under the law is "God forbid!" Don't you realize that to whom you yield yourself you become its slave? If it is sin then you are slave to both sin and death (Romans 6:15-16). Some would be so naive as to suggest that Paul implied that we could sin without a consequence but nothing could be further from the truth. What Paul did say in light of this issue was, "shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? No way! How can we who are dead to sin live any longer in it" (Romans 6:1-2). Both the law and sin have been destroyed so that we can now serve God in righteousness and holiness all the days of our lives and worship Him in Spirit and in truth (Luke 1:74-75; John 4:23).
Paul was strongly opposed to any notion of those having been made righteous considering themselves sinners. Paul also made it clear that those who had come to faith in Christ Jesus could make themselves transgressors. He said, if while we seek to be made righteous by Christ we ourselves are found to be sinners then we in fact build again that which was destroyed and make ourselves transgressors (Galatians 2:17-19). Paul equated sin with the law and the law with sin insomuch that he argued that if you take away sin you take away the need for the law. What had to be destroyed first: the law or the sin? Did Jesus come to destroy the law? No, He came to destroy sin, and where there is no transgression there is no need for a law (1 Timothy 1:9; 1 John 3:4). Paul argued that the life in Christ Jesus did not make the law void but rather established it (Romans 3:31). How? Because those who have been created anew in Christ Jesus and restored to a nature of righteousness and true holiness fulfill the righteousness of the law instinctively (Romans 8:4; Galatians 3:21; 5:14; Romans 13:8,10; Ephesians 4:24; Hebrews 8:10; 2 Corinthians 3:3).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Friday, November 23, 2007
Daily Bread - NOV/22/07
Romans 5:13 - For sin was in the world before the law but there was no accounting of it without the law.
A terrible false doctrine is preached that because the law of Moses has been removed that sin is no longer counted against us. The idea that Paul was ministering such a concept is completely foreign to everything that we know about Paul's message and the message of the Bible. The truth of what Paul is communicating can be easily understood simply by viewing God's response to man's sin before the law. When Adam sinned he was cast out of the garden; when Cain sinned he was driven away from his family and became a wanderer. When all of mankind gave themselves completely over to sin God sent a flood and destroyed them all. When Sodom and Gomorrah sinned, God rained down fire and brimstone upon their cities. All of these things took place when there was no law. Therefore, to somehow conclude that God does not hold men responsible for their sins when there is no law is false. Paul then has to be referring to man's inability to account for sin in his own conscience and judgments; for it is certain that God counted it and held men responsible for it. Although men may have been unaware of their transgression, God was very aware of it and brought judgment upon those who did it both in this life and the life hereafter.
Paul was making the point that men ruled and governed by death would not have known what sin was without the law. Mankind had become so corrupt because of their spiritual blindness of heart that they could not understand lust as sin without the law saying "you shall not covet" (Romans 7:7, 13; 5:20). Paul was referring to man's knowledge of sin and was in no way negating an accountability for it (Romans 3:20). He also made it painfully clear that those who were trusting in the law to make them acceptable to God would only discover the condemnation and failure of their own evil nature.
Today, the law has been destroyed and there are many people who neither accept the life that is in Christ Jesus nor the validity of the law; are they still accountable for their sin? Most definitely! Jesus said, "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: he that does not believe the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). Paul preached that there was still a wage for sin, and that wage was death (Romans 6:23). He listed the deeds of sin several times and made it very clear that they who did such things had no part in the Kingdom of God nor inheritance with Christ (Galatians 5:21; Ephesians 5:5; Colossians 3:6; 1 Corinthians 6:10). The only way to be rid of the sin and the law that condemns it is to receive the life of God granted to us through the salvation that is in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:6-9). As a result, we now live in the law of the Spirit of life and have been set free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Romans 5:13 - For sin was in the world before the law but there was no accounting of it without the law.
A terrible false doctrine is preached that because the law of Moses has been removed that sin is no longer counted against us. The idea that Paul was ministering such a concept is completely foreign to everything that we know about Paul's message and the message of the Bible. The truth of what Paul is communicating can be easily understood simply by viewing God's response to man's sin before the law. When Adam sinned he was cast out of the garden; when Cain sinned he was driven away from his family and became a wanderer. When all of mankind gave themselves completely over to sin God sent a flood and destroyed them all. When Sodom and Gomorrah sinned, God rained down fire and brimstone upon their cities. All of these things took place when there was no law. Therefore, to somehow conclude that God does not hold men responsible for their sins when there is no law is false. Paul then has to be referring to man's inability to account for sin in his own conscience and judgments; for it is certain that God counted it and held men responsible for it. Although men may have been unaware of their transgression, God was very aware of it and brought judgment upon those who did it both in this life and the life hereafter.
Paul was making the point that men ruled and governed by death would not have known what sin was without the law. Mankind had become so corrupt because of their spiritual blindness of heart that they could not understand lust as sin without the law saying "you shall not covet" (Romans 7:7, 13; 5:20). Paul was referring to man's knowledge of sin and was in no way negating an accountability for it (Romans 3:20). He also made it painfully clear that those who were trusting in the law to make them acceptable to God would only discover the condemnation and failure of their own evil nature.
Today, the law has been destroyed and there are many people who neither accept the life that is in Christ Jesus nor the validity of the law; are they still accountable for their sin? Most definitely! Jesus said, "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: he that does not believe the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). Paul preached that there was still a wage for sin, and that wage was death (Romans 6:23). He listed the deeds of sin several times and made it very clear that they who did such things had no part in the Kingdom of God nor inheritance with Christ (Galatians 5:21; Ephesians 5:5; Colossians 3:6; 1 Corinthians 6:10). The only way to be rid of the sin and the law that condemns it is to receive the life of God granted to us through the salvation that is in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:6-9). As a result, we now live in the law of the Spirit of life and have been set free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Daily Bread - NOV/21/07
Ephesians 2:21 - In whom the whole building fitted together grows into a holy temple in the Lord.
The Greek verb 'auxano' which is translated 'grow' means increase of every kind and may be understood as referring to every dimension of the church in size, number, age, maturity, glory and power. This growth is not something that is automatic, but demands action and responsibility as Jesus taught in Mark 4:26-29. A seed is cast into the ground and the power is within the ground to give the seed life so that it can produce of itself but the farmer rises day and night in tending and caring for the seed lest it be eaten or overrun by weeds and disaster. The proper growth or increase of the church is only possible when God's people are submitted to the Holy Spirit; for only He can provide the needed ingredients to bring forth the increase. In Ephesians 4:14-16 we learn that the church both grows and makes increase of itself by functioning in love. Of course this is divine love that can only be supplied by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
It is God's desire that we mature into the fullness of Christ. He has purposed that we be fully matured sons of God standing in the full measure of the anointing of Jesus now in this present world (Ephesians 4:13; 1 John 4:17). It is by the love of Christ that we are able to comprehend every dimension of God's person and purpose. We mature and grow in the precise knowledge of God by coming to know the love of Christ that passes knowledge so that we might be filled with all of the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:18-19). Our lives both individually and collectively must find their existence in the vine Christ Jesus; for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:1-8).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Ephesians 2:21 - In whom the whole building fitted together grows into a holy temple in the Lord.
The Greek verb 'auxano' which is translated 'grow' means increase of every kind and may be understood as referring to every dimension of the church in size, number, age, maturity, glory and power. This growth is not something that is automatic, but demands action and responsibility as Jesus taught in Mark 4:26-29. A seed is cast into the ground and the power is within the ground to give the seed life so that it can produce of itself but the farmer rises day and night in tending and caring for the seed lest it be eaten or overrun by weeds and disaster. The proper growth or increase of the church is only possible when God's people are submitted to the Holy Spirit; for only He can provide the needed ingredients to bring forth the increase. In Ephesians 4:14-16 we learn that the church both grows and makes increase of itself by functioning in love. Of course this is divine love that can only be supplied by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
It is God's desire that we mature into the fullness of Christ. He has purposed that we be fully matured sons of God standing in the full measure of the anointing of Jesus now in this present world (Ephesians 4:13; 1 John 4:17). It is by the love of Christ that we are able to comprehend every dimension of God's person and purpose. We mature and grow in the precise knowledge of God by coming to know the love of Christ that passes knowledge so that we might be filled with all of the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:18-19). Our lives both individually and collectively must find their existence in the vine Christ Jesus; for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:1-8).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Ephesians 4:16 - From whom all the body fit together and joined together through that which every joint supplies according to the working of each part as one unit the body grows by building itself in love.
One of the main themes of Ephesians is the "love of Christ." It is here that we find the key to not only our individual maturity and success but also to that of the local church to which we belong. For the church to be strong collectively the individuals in the church must be strong. Paul opens this Epistle to the Ephesians by drawing their attention to the fact that from the very foundation of the earth we were created to be holy and without blame before God in love (Ephesians 1:4). By being established in this love we are able to comprehend with all saints the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of every dimension of God's plan and purpose for our lives (Ephesians 3:17). It is also through knowing the love of Christ that we are individually filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). Then Paul brings us to this point in Ephesians chapter four where he reveals how the church functions. Each of the individuals gather together in the church with the supply given to them by the Spirit, and this supply results in the very function of the person of Jesus in our midst. The supply of the Spirit in the individuals functioning together act as tendons and ligaments - which not only give the connectivity to the body but its range of motion. Thus the manifestation of the Spirit functions as a result of the individuals being knitted together as one individual for the sole purpose of Jesus being revealed.
There is a responsibility that we all need to take up if the purposes of God are to be fulfilled through His church. It is each person's responsibility to be filled with the Spirit. We must be willing to give ourselves to walking in the realms of God's glory each day if we are going to have the capacity to yield to what God has purposed His church to be. The local church possesses an unlimited potential to reveal the glory of God. The church is to be the very revelation of the person of Jesus Christ. The church is the fullness of God and was established by Jesus Christ to reveal His glory. The church is to so reveal the person of Jesus that it would be as though He never left. This glorious revelation of who the church is depends upon each individual walking in a love for Jesus and for each other that is nothing less than supernatural. The result of giving ourselves to such a relationship brings to pass the full expression of the glory and power of Jesus Christ in our meetings. If we give Jesus His proper position and our undivided attention then He will supply all those things necessary for the fullness of His glory to be revealed in our meetings (Colossians 2:19; Ephesians 2:21; 1 Corinthians 14:25).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
One of the main themes of Ephesians is the "love of Christ." It is here that we find the key to not only our individual maturity and success but also to that of the local church to which we belong. For the church to be strong collectively the individuals in the church must be strong. Paul opens this Epistle to the Ephesians by drawing their attention to the fact that from the very foundation of the earth we were created to be holy and without blame before God in love (Ephesians 1:4). By being established in this love we are able to comprehend with all saints the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of every dimension of God's plan and purpose for our lives (Ephesians 3:17). It is also through knowing the love of Christ that we are individually filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). Then Paul brings us to this point in Ephesians chapter four where he reveals how the church functions. Each of the individuals gather together in the church with the supply given to them by the Spirit, and this supply results in the very function of the person of Jesus in our midst. The supply of the Spirit in the individuals functioning together act as tendons and ligaments - which not only give the connectivity to the body but its range of motion. Thus the manifestation of the Spirit functions as a result of the individuals being knitted together as one individual for the sole purpose of Jesus being revealed.
There is a responsibility that we all need to take up if the purposes of God are to be fulfilled through His church. It is each person's responsibility to be filled with the Spirit. We must be willing to give ourselves to walking in the realms of God's glory each day if we are going to have the capacity to yield to what God has purposed His church to be. The local church possesses an unlimited potential to reveal the glory of God. The church is to be the very revelation of the person of Jesus Christ. The church is the fullness of God and was established by Jesus Christ to reveal His glory. The church is to so reveal the person of Jesus that it would be as though He never left. This glorious revelation of who the church is depends upon each individual walking in a love for Jesus and for each other that is nothing less than supernatural. The result of giving ourselves to such a relationship brings to pass the full expression of the glory and power of Jesus Christ in our meetings. If we give Jesus His proper position and our undivided attention then He will supply all those things necessary for the fullness of His glory to be revealed in our meetings (Colossians 2:19; Ephesians 2:21; 1 Corinthians 14:25).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Monday, November 19, 2007
Daily Bread - NOV/19/07
Ephesians 4:15 - But speaking the truth in love we may grow up into Christ in all things who is Himself the head.
Our individual growth in the things pertaining to the spiritual life demands that we speak the truth. There is only one source of truth and that is the word of God. Our confession is very important to the results that we get. Our willingness to agree with the truth and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord resulted in our salvation. We learn from Paul in this same context that our confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10; Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:37). Words are so important to God that He used them to create the heavens and the earth and everything that is in them (Psalms 33:6,9; Hebrews 11:3). If we are going to have the things that God has purposed for us to have then we must believe what He has said. Whatever it is that we believe is ultimately what we are going to speak. Too many times God's people speak out of fear and distrust instead of love and confidence. The things that we see and hear have such an impact on us that we forget what God said He would do if we would only believe. If we are willing to believe the love that God has for us then we know that He is going to take the best of care of us. In the midst of the crisis and the circumstances we can rise above it all through knowing and believing what God has said. If we agree with Him and confess what His word has declared then our faith will flow out with divine authority through the acknowledgement of every good thing that is in us (Philemon 1:6). If we hold fast to the confession of our faith we will have the divine provision for everything that we need because God is faithful who has promised (Hebrews 10:23; 4:14; Philippians 4:19).
I have heard many people say, "life is difficult." Actually, life is not difficult; circumstances are difficult; life is wonderful. The natural life is so important to each one of us we will desperately struggle to hold on to it. The abundant life that we have received in Christ Jesus should be even more important. The abundant life that we have been given in Christ Jesus has supplied us with a quality of life that affords us all of the blessings and provisions of God (Ephesians 1:2; Romans 5:17,21; 8:2; Galatians 3:21; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Psalms 84:11). Through Christ Jesus we have been richly supplied with everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3; Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 3:16). It is our choice whether we allow circumstance to rule our lives or we allow the word of God to rule us. The facts are that whatever we are most convinced of - whether it be the circumstances or the promises of God - will be what we ultimately speak out. We have heard how God will supply our every need and how that He will cause all grace to abound to us so that we will have all sufficiency in all things, but when the difficult situations arise, do we speak according to God's word? If we are willing to be doers of the word and not hearers only then the circumstances will have to conform to the word of God and will not be able to affect us (Matthew 7:24-26). If the life of God is going to dominate our lives then we must allow God's word to have the final say in everything that we believe.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, and the faith that comes to us by the word of God will make the difference in every adverse circumstance. Therefore, let the love relationship that has been established between you and the Lord Jesus produce a confession of truth. Our defense against false beliefs in every dimension of our lives is the word of truth. Do not be carried about with every wind of doctrine and troubling situation but rather be firmly established in the word of His truth (1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Corinthians 6:7; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5; John 17:17).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Ephesians 4:15 - But speaking the truth in love we may grow up into Christ in all things who is Himself the head.
Our individual growth in the things pertaining to the spiritual life demands that we speak the truth. There is only one source of truth and that is the word of God. Our confession is very important to the results that we get. Our willingness to agree with the truth and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord resulted in our salvation. We learn from Paul in this same context that our confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10; Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:37). Words are so important to God that He used them to create the heavens and the earth and everything that is in them (Psalms 33:6,9; Hebrews 11:3). If we are going to have the things that God has purposed for us to have then we must believe what He has said. Whatever it is that we believe is ultimately what we are going to speak. Too many times God's people speak out of fear and distrust instead of love and confidence. The things that we see and hear have such an impact on us that we forget what God said He would do if we would only believe. If we are willing to believe the love that God has for us then we know that He is going to take the best of care of us. In the midst of the crisis and the circumstances we can rise above it all through knowing and believing what God has said. If we agree with Him and confess what His word has declared then our faith will flow out with divine authority through the acknowledgement of every good thing that is in us (Philemon 1:6). If we hold fast to the confession of our faith we will have the divine provision for everything that we need because God is faithful who has promised (Hebrews 10:23; 4:14; Philippians 4:19).
I have heard many people say, "life is difficult." Actually, life is not difficult; circumstances are difficult; life is wonderful. The natural life is so important to each one of us we will desperately struggle to hold on to it. The abundant life that we have received in Christ Jesus should be even more important. The abundant life that we have been given in Christ Jesus has supplied us with a quality of life that affords us all of the blessings and provisions of God (Ephesians 1:2; Romans 5:17,21; 8:2; Galatians 3:21; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Psalms 84:11). Through Christ Jesus we have been richly supplied with everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3; Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 3:16). It is our choice whether we allow circumstance to rule our lives or we allow the word of God to rule us. The facts are that whatever we are most convinced of - whether it be the circumstances or the promises of God - will be what we ultimately speak out. We have heard how God will supply our every need and how that He will cause all grace to abound to us so that we will have all sufficiency in all things, but when the difficult situations arise, do we speak according to God's word? If we are willing to be doers of the word and not hearers only then the circumstances will have to conform to the word of God and will not be able to affect us (Matthew 7:24-26). If the life of God is going to dominate our lives then we must allow God's word to have the final say in everything that we believe.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, and the faith that comes to us by the word of God will make the difference in every adverse circumstance. Therefore, let the love relationship that has been established between you and the Lord Jesus produce a confession of truth. Our defense against false beliefs in every dimension of our lives is the word of truth. Do not be carried about with every wind of doctrine and troubling situation but rather be firmly established in the word of His truth (1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Corinthians 6:7; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5; John 17:17).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread - NOV/17/07
John 10:28-29 - And I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish, and no one shall pluck them out of My hand. My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck out of My Father's hand.
Every person that comes to Jesus was brought to Him as a gift from the Father (John 6:37; 17:9,11). We know that Father's arms are stretched out to the whole world, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Titus 2:11; John 12:32; Romans 5:18; 1 Timothy 2:6; 1 John 2:2; Hebrews 2:9). Those that come to Jesus will not be rejected and those who put their trust in Him will always be protected. Jesus is the perfect shepherd. He will not loose any of his sheep. He will fight for and defend His sheep against the lion and the bear. The wolves may attack but the good shepherd will not allow his sheep to be destroyed (John 10:11-14; 17:11-15).
God will never reject us but we can reject Him (1 John 2:19; Hebrews 6:4-6; John 12:42-43; 1 Corinthians 10:6-12). If we refuse to follow Him then He cannot lead us. We must be willing to continue to follow Him and not listen to the voice of another (John 10:5; Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:25). The Lord does not tire from searching us out and delivering us from all of the adverse circumstances that we allow ourselves to get into. He loved us before we loved Him and He goes on loving us even when we are disobedient. As long as a person is in this life they will find that if they ever, even for a moment, turn away from the Lord Jesus they will always find Him standing there with His outstretched arms of love pursuing them. All we have to do is cry out "help" and He instantly responds. Men may lie in wait to deceive but the Good Shepherd fights them off. Yet we must remember that we have a choice. If we choose to turn away form the Good Shepherd and refuse His words then we will be carried away of our own choosing to a place of deception (1 Timothy 4:1; Acts 20:29;2 Timothy 3:13; 2:17). So long as we are content to dwell with the Good Shepherd He will never reject us and will perfect everything that concerns us. He will never tire or weary, He will never slumber or sleep for the whole of His life and passion are His love for the sheep. It does not matter your weakness nor your frailty so long as you will hear the voice of your shepherd calling and come and set at His feet. As long as you are willing to follow He will continue to lead and for eternity you will find yourself blessed and abundantly supplied by your Shepherd Jesus the Messiah and His Father who is also our Father (1 John 17:11, 15-19).
The religious people during the time of Jesus refused to hear His voice yet in His love He continued to call out to them (John 8:47; 10:38). Those who have heard His voice must continue to listen and to obey, and as long as they are willing no power can separate them from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. There is no need for you to ever fear again for as long as you are willing to follow Him He will never reject you. It is God who does the saving and all we need to do is ask. God's formula for our success no matter where we are at in relationship with Him is to: hear His voice (our receptivity), "My sheep hear my voice"; as a result He knows us (the Lord's response to our call), "And I know them"; finally follow Him (our active obedience), "And they follow me."
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
John 10:28-29 - And I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish, and no one shall pluck them out of My hand. My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck out of My Father's hand.
Every person that comes to Jesus was brought to Him as a gift from the Father (John 6:37; 17:9,11). We know that Father's arms are stretched out to the whole world, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Titus 2:11; John 12:32; Romans 5:18; 1 Timothy 2:6; 1 John 2:2; Hebrews 2:9). Those that come to Jesus will not be rejected and those who put their trust in Him will always be protected. Jesus is the perfect shepherd. He will not loose any of his sheep. He will fight for and defend His sheep against the lion and the bear. The wolves may attack but the good shepherd will not allow his sheep to be destroyed (John 10:11-14; 17:11-15).
God will never reject us but we can reject Him (1 John 2:19; Hebrews 6:4-6; John 12:42-43; 1 Corinthians 10:6-12). If we refuse to follow Him then He cannot lead us. We must be willing to continue to follow Him and not listen to the voice of another (John 10:5; Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:25). The Lord does not tire from searching us out and delivering us from all of the adverse circumstances that we allow ourselves to get into. He loved us before we loved Him and He goes on loving us even when we are disobedient. As long as a person is in this life they will find that if they ever, even for a moment, turn away from the Lord Jesus they will always find Him standing there with His outstretched arms of love pursuing them. All we have to do is cry out "help" and He instantly responds. Men may lie in wait to deceive but the Good Shepherd fights them off. Yet we must remember that we have a choice. If we choose to turn away form the Good Shepherd and refuse His words then we will be carried away of our own choosing to a place of deception (1 Timothy 4:1; Acts 20:29;2 Timothy 3:13; 2:17). So long as we are content to dwell with the Good Shepherd He will never reject us and will perfect everything that concerns us. He will never tire or weary, He will never slumber or sleep for the whole of His life and passion are His love for the sheep. It does not matter your weakness nor your frailty so long as you will hear the voice of your shepherd calling and come and set at His feet. As long as you are willing to follow He will continue to lead and for eternity you will find yourself blessed and abundantly supplied by your Shepherd Jesus the Messiah and His Father who is also our Father (1 John 17:11, 15-19).
The religious people during the time of Jesus refused to hear His voice yet in His love He continued to call out to them (John 8:47; 10:38). Those who have heard His voice must continue to listen and to obey, and as long as they are willing no power can separate them from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. There is no need for you to ever fear again for as long as you are willing to follow Him He will never reject you. It is God who does the saving and all we need to do is ask. God's formula for our success no matter where we are at in relationship with Him is to: hear His voice (our receptivity), "My sheep hear my voice"; as a result He knows us (the Lord's response to our call), "And I know them"; finally follow Him (our active obedience), "And they follow me."
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
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