Friday, October 20, 2006

Daily Bread - Oct 20 2006

John 1:17 - "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

The definition of grace goes beyond the idea of God's favor and mercy; it extends into every dimension of salvation. It is grace that has brought salvation, it is grace that has brought faith, it is grace that has brought righteousness, it is grace that has brought the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Grace in fact, can be said to be the divine power that empowers us with the ability to do everything that God has called and purposed us to do.

Paul relates a similar message in Galatians 3:21 when he said, "if there had been a law that could have given life then righteousness would have been by the law." The law was weak because it depended upon the ability of man to fulfill it. Even as Abraham could not bring forth the promise of God after his own innate ability, neither could the law impart to man the supernatural ability of the Spirit to become children of God (Romans 8; Galatians 4).

What grace and truth has brought to man is not only in contrast to the law - they define what Jesus produced for all mankind through His redeeming power.

The grace and truth that came by Jesus Christ is revealed by the life changing power that is imparted into a person making them a new creature. Because grace and truth has brought a change of heart grace and truth results in justification. The law could never justify, it could only condemn, because it was powerless to change the heart of man.


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Daily Bread - Oct 19 2006

John 1:14 - "And the Word became flesh and came and lived with us and we saw His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth."

The Greek word 'sarx,' which means flesh, would not only have been very specific concerning the humanity of God incarnated but would have equally been a strong rebuke to the Gnostics of the time who viewed the flesh as innately evil and unable to contain or express any attributes of God - especially the Divine Person Himself. The Greeks who admired the logos as that which formulated the order or the world aspired to be joined with God through a mystic relationship in the Universe. To them, the idea of encountering the logos of God in flesh was unthinkable. Yet God, in His love and mercy, took on the likeness of sinful flesh and condemned sin in the flesh. The great Grace and Blessing of God can only be viewed with wonder and amazement as Paul said, "Great is the mystery of Godliness; God was manifest in the flesh." (1 Timothy 3:16).

Today, as God's people, we fully embrace this glorious reality that Jesus is come in the flesh. He not only came 2000 years ago when he was born of a virgin named Mary, but He has come into His temple so that we can say, "greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

The Authorized Version translates sarx - flesh 147, carnal 2, carnally minded 1, fleshly 1 time. It occurs in the Septuagint 215 times, and its Hebrew equivalent is "basar." The first occurrence in the Old Testament is in Genesis 2:2 and in the New Testament, Matthew 16:17.


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Daily Bread - Oct 18 2006

Acts 2:22 - "Men of Israel listen to these words: Jesus of Nazareth a man accredited by God to you through power and wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst as you yourselves know."

God's divine testimony or accreditation of the ministry of Jesus comes by way of the mighty deeds or miracles called 'dynameis' or 'dunameis' which He did. This is the same power that the disciples were promised in Acts 1:8. This power to do mighty deeds was given so that those who are in bondage to sin, sickness, and poverty might go free. The power to do mighty deeds has been made available to everyone who will believe. The promise was first made to the general audience that John the Baptist addressed when he first spoke of the ministry of Jesus and proclaimed that Jesus would be the one who would baptize in the Holy Spirit and Fire (Luke 3:16; John 1:33; Acts 1:5; Acts 19:4). Jesus said these mighty deeds would follow those who believe as signs (Mark 16:17). These are the same mighty deeds manifested in Steven's life in Acts 6:8, in Philip's ministry in Acts 8:13, and also in Paul's ministry in Acts 19:11.

Today, all one has to do is believe and they will receive the authority to be sons of God. The promise of being endued with the Holy Spirit and power is just as fresh and certain today as it was when Jesus said, "If any man is thirsty let him come to me and drink. He that believes on me as the scriptures have said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7:37). The voice of God can still be heard right now saying, "nothing shall be impossible unto you" (Matthew 17:20).


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Daily Bread - Oct 17 2006

Acts 2: 16 - "But this is that spoken through the prophet Joel. 17 - And it shall be in the last days says God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams. 18 - And upon my male and female servants I will pour out my Spirit in those day and they shall prophesy. 19 - And I will give wonders in the heavens above and signs upon the earth below blood and fire and a cloud of smoke. 20 - The sun shall turn to darkness and the moon to blood before the great day of the Lord comes. 21 - And it shall be that all that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

This is not an exact quote of what is written in either the Septuagint or the Hebrew Bible (MT). However, the differences are only minor and may be understood in light of the Holy Spirit speaking expressly through Peter of its New Covenant application.

The following is a quote from both the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint, "And it will happen after this that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your elders will dream dreams your young men will see visions. And also upon the slaves and upon the maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit. I will give wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall turn to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of YHWH. And it will be that anyone who calls on the name of YHWH will be saved" (Joel 3:1-4).

Peter makes a few initial changes by the Holy Spirit: he changes "after this" to "in the last days" and he adds "says God". Both of these changes result in a clearer picture of the prophecy by establishing that this is an event for the last days and that this was said by God and not merely by a prophet named Joel. Also "your servants" is changed to "my servants", removing the limitation of servants just to the nation of Israel and opening the door to all of God's servants in very nation. Finally, "they shall prophesy" is added underscoring that the effect of the outpouring of the Spirit will be the same for the servants as for the masters. Now this broadened scope of servants would include all men everywhere in every generation (Acts 8,10).


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

Monday, October 16, 2006

Daily Bread - Oct 16 2006
Acts 2:17 - "And it shall be in the last days says God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams."

Father has not withheld any dimension of His glory from anyone. Today His promise of pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh reaches to the unreached people groups of the world as well as the United States of America. All throughout the earth God has poured out His Spirit upon men and women who are preaching just like Jesus preached in Bible days. The knowledge of the Lord shall cover every region of the earth as the water covers the sea.

Please visit the site of Pastor Chris and view the day that Lagos stood still with 3.5 million people present. Click on the link below.


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread - Oct 14 2006

Ephesians 2:8 - "For this saving grace is through faith, the gift of God, and that not of yourselves."

It is emphasized that this faith has no human origin but rather has come to us directly from God as a gift. There is only one faith, and it exists only in the realm of God. God has given us this faith by the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Faith takes hold of grace and submits to the power of the Holy Spirit that produces all of the will of God in our lives.

It is not faith that humanity obtains by knowledge, discipline, or works. Rather, the grace that has appeared to all men is received by the act of God's gift that is given to every man (Titus 2:11; Romans 12:3).


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen