Daily Bread - Jan 26 2007
1 Peter 2:10 - "Who once were not a people but now God’s people who had no mercy but now have mercy."
Mercy is a word that may also be understood as an expression of deep love or tender affection by its Hebrew equivalent (racham). God’s compassion and deep affection that we have obtained through His Great Salvation has caused us to come into a relationship position with Him that is best expressed by the Psalmist when he says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalms 23:6).
The blessing and favor of God that is giving to us through God’s abundant mercy is a guarantee that we will always find ourselves going from strength to strength. Living in God’s abundant mercy that is new every morning is an assurance that everything about our lives will be stamped with the blessing of God.
We can be certain that if we trust and rely upon God, our seed will be mighty upon the earth, and whatever we do will prosper. Our children will walk in a greater anointing and have a greater influence than we have had. Because we have obtained mercy, we will find ourselves walking in all of the covenant blessings, and more, that God promised Abraham and the nation of Israel (Galatians 3:14; Genesis 22:17; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Hebrews 8:6).
Be blessed,
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Friday, January 26, 2007
Daily Bread Jan 25 07
Ephesians 6:18-20 - "Through every prayer and plea, praying on every occasion in the Spirit also being on watch, totally alert. And on my behalf that a word may be given to me in the opening of my mouth by boldly making known the mystery of the gospel. On behalf of which I am an ambassador in bonds that in it I may speak boldly even as I ought to speak."
Paul’s instruction to the church at Ephesus was that they should pray on every occasion in the Spirit. They were to be totally alert as the army of God and every need that presented itself was to be taken to God in prayer. Among those urgent needs was Paul’s own ministry of the word. He desired the church to pray for him that he would both be given the word and that he would speak the word of God with boldness.
Unfortunately, if we are not careful, we will pray after our own human concern and understanding and be completely ineffective. It is only the prayer of the Spirit that is the effectual and effective prayer. When we pray in the Spirit we will also receive the prayer of revelation or prophetic prayer that we can understand and receive instruction and edification by. Many times we also make the mistake of praying in the Spirit just short of the prayer that everyone can understand.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Ephesians 6:18-20 - "Through every prayer and plea, praying on every occasion in the Spirit also being on watch, totally alert. And on my behalf that a word may be given to me in the opening of my mouth by boldly making known the mystery of the gospel. On behalf of which I am an ambassador in bonds that in it I may speak boldly even as I ought to speak."
Paul’s instruction to the church at Ephesus was that they should pray on every occasion in the Spirit. They were to be totally alert as the army of God and every need that presented itself was to be taken to God in prayer. Among those urgent needs was Paul’s own ministry of the word. He desired the church to pray for him that he would both be given the word and that he would speak the word of God with boldness.
Unfortunately, if we are not careful, we will pray after our own human concern and understanding and be completely ineffective. It is only the prayer of the Spirit that is the effectual and effective prayer. When we pray in the Spirit we will also receive the prayer of revelation or prophetic prayer that we can understand and receive instruction and edification by. Many times we also make the mistake of praying in the Spirit just short of the prayer that everyone can understand.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Daily Bread - Jan 24 2007
John 15:7 - "If you dwell in me and my words dwell in you then you may ask what you desire and it shall be done for you."
Jesus reveals how easy it is to receive the answer to your request - He simply tells us to ask. Jesus tells us 7 times in John chapters 14 through 16 to ‘ask.’ The kind of prayer that we are to pray is an asking prayer - one that expects God to do the impossible. Elijah prayed asking God to stop the rain, and it did not rain for 3.5 years; then when he asked God to cause it to rain it was so (James 5:17-18). James said, “you have not because you ask not.” Jesus said, “everyone who asks shall receive” and “all things whatsoever you ask in prayer believing you shall receive (Luke 11:9-10; Matthew 11:22). How simple can it be; Jesus reduces the impossible to nothing more than a basic request.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
John 15:7 - "If you dwell in me and my words dwell in you then you may ask what you desire and it shall be done for you."
Jesus reveals how easy it is to receive the answer to your request - He simply tells us to ask. Jesus tells us 7 times in John chapters 14 through 16 to ‘ask.’ The kind of prayer that we are to pray is an asking prayer - one that expects God to do the impossible. Elijah prayed asking God to stop the rain, and it did not rain for 3.5 years; then when he asked God to cause it to rain it was so (James 5:17-18). James said, “you have not because you ask not.” Jesus said, “everyone who asks shall receive” and “all things whatsoever you ask in prayer believing you shall receive (Luke 11:9-10; Matthew 11:22). How simple can it be; Jesus reduces the impossible to nothing more than a basic request.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Daily Bread - Jan 23 2007
1 Peter 1:7 - "That the testing of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes even though tried with fire may be found unto praise and glory and honor at Christ Jesus' unveiling."
Father gives us a measure of His faith, and it must be proved or assayed in our lives (Psalms 66:10; James 1:3-4; Proverbs 17:3). The Greek word "dokimion" (testing) refers to the testing that is necessary to determine the genuineness of something. If we are willing to go through the refining fires of the Spirit, God will perfect everything concerning our faith.
Jeremiah revealed that the word of God was like a fire that burns up the chaff. He revealed that the chaff was the false words that had been spoken by the false prophets (Jeremiah 23:28,29; Matthew 3:12). These opinions of devils and men were withholding the fruit that the seed of God's word otherwise would have produced. The faith of God that has come to us by the Word of God must be purified from the mixtures of our own opinions, perceptions, and fears.
The Word of God teaches us how to walk in absolute love and trust toward the Father, yet there are many doubts and fears that we allow to effect our decisions. When God's Word enters into the earthen vessels of our lives it must be tried within us, and those things that we may unknowingly mix with it must be removed. Therefore, Jesus the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls sits over us as a refiner and purifier of silver (Malachi 3:3). God's word is pure like silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times, and it must be also tried in us by the situations and circumstances that God allows to come against us (Psalms 12:6; 1 Corinthians 10:13).
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
1 Peter 1:7 - "That the testing of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes even though tried with fire may be found unto praise and glory and honor at Christ Jesus' unveiling."
Father gives us a measure of His faith, and it must be proved or assayed in our lives (Psalms 66:10; James 1:3-4; Proverbs 17:3). The Greek word "dokimion" (testing) refers to the testing that is necessary to determine the genuineness of something. If we are willing to go through the refining fires of the Spirit, God will perfect everything concerning our faith.
Jeremiah revealed that the word of God was like a fire that burns up the chaff. He revealed that the chaff was the false words that had been spoken by the false prophets (Jeremiah 23:28,29; Matthew 3:12). These opinions of devils and men were withholding the fruit that the seed of God's word otherwise would have produced. The faith of God that has come to us by the Word of God must be purified from the mixtures of our own opinions, perceptions, and fears.
The Word of God teaches us how to walk in absolute love and trust toward the Father, yet there are many doubts and fears that we allow to effect our decisions. When God's Word enters into the earthen vessels of our lives it must be tried within us, and those things that we may unknowingly mix with it must be removed. Therefore, Jesus the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls sits over us as a refiner and purifier of silver (Malachi 3:3). God's word is pure like silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times, and it must be also tried in us by the situations and circumstances that God allows to come against us (Psalms 12:6; 1 Corinthians 10:13).
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Monday, January 22, 2007
Daily Bread - Jan 22 2007
2 John 1:7 - "Who indeed for the sake of the Name go out taking nothing from the nations."
This Greek phrase translated "for the name sake" is found 7 times in the New Testament and 17 times in the Old Testament (1 Sam 9:2; 1 Kings 1:47; 12:24; 1 Chronicles 4:9). The more common way to translate this phrase is "for his name sake." However, a more literal translation is "for the sake of his name," or as it appears in this verse "for the sake of the name," (Acts 5:41; 9:16; 15:26; 21:13; Romans 1:5; 15:9; 3 John 1:7).
All power has been given to Jesus, and through His name that power and authority is executed by His servants insomuch that whatever they ask in His name will be done ( Matthew 28:18; John 14:13,14); 15:16; 16:23,24,26-27). The name of Jesus has been exalted above every other name; therefore, all powers and authorities are subject to it (Ephesians 1:21; Philippians 2:9). Every evil spirit and corrupt thing must obey the authority that is in the name of Jesus.
Through the power that is in the name of Jesus, the servants of God cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, or drink any deadly thing and are not harmed. Through His name His servants are empowered to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover (Mark 16:17). The name of Jesus and faith in His name causes the crippled to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the dead to be raised to life again (Acts 3:16; 8:5,7).
God has sworn that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10; Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:23). Through the name of Jesus, the power of sin and deception is broken and men are turned from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18). Through the name of Jesus men are delivered from the curse of sin and death (Acts 2:38; 4:12). When two or three of His servants are gathering together in His name, Jesus, He is in their midst to make known the power and authority of His word (Matthew 18:20; Mark 16:20). By the supernatural display of the power of God in our lives we manifest the name of Jesus even as Jesus manifested the name of the Father (John 17:6,12,26).
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
2 John 1:7 - "Who indeed for the sake of the Name go out taking nothing from the nations."
This Greek phrase translated "for the name sake" is found 7 times in the New Testament and 17 times in the Old Testament (1 Sam 9:2; 1 Kings 1:47; 12:24; 1 Chronicles 4:9). The more common way to translate this phrase is "for his name sake." However, a more literal translation is "for the sake of his name," or as it appears in this verse "for the sake of the name," (Acts 5:41; 9:16; 15:26; 21:13; Romans 1:5; 15:9; 3 John 1:7).
All power has been given to Jesus, and through His name that power and authority is executed by His servants insomuch that whatever they ask in His name will be done ( Matthew 28:18; John 14:13,14); 15:16; 16:23,24,26-27). The name of Jesus has been exalted above every other name; therefore, all powers and authorities are subject to it (Ephesians 1:21; Philippians 2:9). Every evil spirit and corrupt thing must obey the authority that is in the name of Jesus.
Through the power that is in the name of Jesus, the servants of God cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, or drink any deadly thing and are not harmed. Through His name His servants are empowered to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover (Mark 16:17). The name of Jesus and faith in His name causes the crippled to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the dead to be raised to life again (Acts 3:16; 8:5,7).
God has sworn that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10; Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:23). Through the name of Jesus, the power of sin and deception is broken and men are turned from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18). Through the name of Jesus men are delivered from the curse of sin and death (Acts 2:38; 4:12). When two or three of His servants are gathering together in His name, Jesus, He is in their midst to make known the power and authority of His word (Matthew 18:20; Mark 16:20). By the supernatural display of the power of God in our lives we manifest the name of Jesus even as Jesus manifested the name of the Father (John 17:6,12,26).
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread - Jan 20 2007
2 John 1:7 - "Because many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, this is the deceiver and the antichrist."
The spirit of the antichrist and the spirit of deceit work in conjunction with one another. In 1 John 2:26; 3:7 and 4;6, the spirit of antichrist was revealed in those who refuse to remain in the church that the Apostle John belonged to. John reveals that all who broke off fellowship with them were in fact children of the devil, 1 John 2:19; 3:8.
One is either lead by the Spirit of truth and has the anointing or they are lead by deception and have the spirit of antichrist (1 John 4:6). The "going out" from the fellowship with the church in 1 John 2:19, is comparable to the "going out" of Judas after the devil had entered into him, John 13:27,30.
The ultimate deception does not usually take place in a person's life all at once. Rather one deception leads to another until not only has a person left the assembly of God's people but they also deny that Jesus Christ ever came into their lives or into the world.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
2 John 1:7 - "Because many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, this is the deceiver and the antichrist."
The spirit of the antichrist and the spirit of deceit work in conjunction with one another. In 1 John 2:26; 3:7 and 4;6, the spirit of antichrist was revealed in those who refuse to remain in the church that the Apostle John belonged to. John reveals that all who broke off fellowship with them were in fact children of the devil, 1 John 2:19; 3:8.
One is either lead by the Spirit of truth and has the anointing or they are lead by deception and have the spirit of antichrist (1 John 4:6). The "going out" from the fellowship with the church in 1 John 2:19, is comparable to the "going out" of Judas after the devil had entered into him, John 13:27,30.
The ultimate deception does not usually take place in a person's life all at once. Rather one deception leads to another until not only has a person left the assembly of God's people but they also deny that Jesus Christ ever came into their lives or into the world.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread - Jan 19 2007
1 John 1:2 - "Because the truth abides in us and will be with us forever."
The truth has no deception nor false information contained within it. Truth, only comes by Jesus and for men to have it their hearts must be changed by the Spirit of God. Jesus is the one who is full of truth and the only one who can give truth to men (John 1:14; John 14:6; 1:17). It is the truth that sets men free from the bondage of sin and deception (John 8:32). It is the truth that enables men to be true worshipers, for men may only worship God in truth (John 4:23-24).
The Holy Spirit that we have received from God is the Spirit of truth whom the world, which lies in darkness and deception cannot receive (John 14:17). It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). All we must do is be willing to simply yield ourselves to the Spirit of God and be obedient children not fashioning ourselves after the world and we will be led into all the fullness of the truth of God's Word and Way.
The anointing that we have received, which is the divine empowerment to walk in the divine nature, teaches us all things and is truth (1 John 2:27). Jesus prayed that the Father would sanctify His disciples in the truth and also made it known that this was why He sanctified Himself unto death (John 17:17; 19). Walking in the truth may also be understood as, "walking in the Spirit" (Rom 8:1,4; Gal 5:16, 25), "walking in the Light" (John 8:12; Eph 5:7; 1 John 1:7), and "walking in Love" (Eph 5:2). All we need to do is find ourselves in love with Jesus today. If we will allow the anointing that we have received to both inspire us and to guide us we will find ourselves only believing and doing the truth.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
1 John 1:2 - "Because the truth abides in us and will be with us forever."
The truth has no deception nor false information contained within it. Truth, only comes by Jesus and for men to have it their hearts must be changed by the Spirit of God. Jesus is the one who is full of truth and the only one who can give truth to men (John 1:14; John 14:6; 1:17). It is the truth that sets men free from the bondage of sin and deception (John 8:32). It is the truth that enables men to be true worshipers, for men may only worship God in truth (John 4:23-24).
The Holy Spirit that we have received from God is the Spirit of truth whom the world, which lies in darkness and deception cannot receive (John 14:17). It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). All we must do is be willing to simply yield ourselves to the Spirit of God and be obedient children not fashioning ourselves after the world and we will be led into all the fullness of the truth of God's Word and Way.
The anointing that we have received, which is the divine empowerment to walk in the divine nature, teaches us all things and is truth (1 John 2:27). Jesus prayed that the Father would sanctify His disciples in the truth and also made it known that this was why He sanctified Himself unto death (John 17:17; 19). Walking in the truth may also be understood as, "walking in the Spirit" (Rom 8:1,4; Gal 5:16, 25), "walking in the Light" (John 8:12; Eph 5:7; 1 John 1:7), and "walking in Love" (Eph 5:2). All we need to do is find ourselves in love with Jesus today. If we will allow the anointing that we have received to both inspire us and to guide us we will find ourselves only believing and doing the truth.
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
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