Sunday, May 07, 2006

Daily Bread

John 11:41-42 - Therefore, they took away the stone where the dead one was laid. And Jesus lifted His eyes upward and said, Father I thank you that you have heard me. And I know that you always hear me but for the sake of the multitude standing here I have said this so that they might believe that you have sent me.

The way Jesus prayed was much different than many of us pray today. When Jesus prayed, He raised His head towards heaven instead of bowing His head (Luke 28:13). Before He commanded the dead to live again He first talked to the Father. The first thing that Jesus did was to give thanks or bless the Father just as He did before the miracle of feeding the multitude (John 6:11). His prayer is one of absolute confidence that centers on the relationship that He had with His Father. He was certain that His Father heard His prayer which is one of the keys to prayer being answered as John brings to light later in his First Epistle, “And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him” (1 John 5:15).

Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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