Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Fresh Bread - 5/24

Daily Bread

Ephesians 3:7 "Of which I have become a servant according to the gift of the grace of God given to me according to the working power of His power."

There are two Greek words used here for power, 'energeia' (working power/supernatural strength/God's working) and 'dunamis' (the power of Pentecost/God's power). The ability that Paul had to represent Jesus and live the Christian life was supplied directly to him through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit desires to supply us with supernatural strength every day. It is through a continual and ongoing empowerment by the Holy Spirit that we are enabled to live the life of Christ Jesus. There is nothing that man can do for God in his own ability and strength that will amount to anything. We must learn to depend upon the ability which God supplies to us through His working (energia). Paul makes it clear by using the words, 'given,' 'gift of the grace,' and 'His power' that he was doing nothing of himself; rather, it was God at work in him. It is not human discipline or religious practices that will enable us to do what God wants us to do. Jesus did nothing of Himself and it is certain that we can do nothing of ourselves. Right now the Holy Spirit has a supernatural supply of power for you and it is God's will that you be endued with His ability.


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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