Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Daily Bread

Daily Bread

Colossians 2:2 "That your hearts might be encouraged joined together in love and unto all riches of the full assurance of the understanding unto an exact knowledge of the mystery of the Father God and the Christ."

There is a key given to us throughout the scripture that allows us to understand how to come into all of the fullness of God. Paul revealed in Ephesians 3 that as a result of knowing the love of Christ we can be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). Jesus made loving one another the precursor to fullness of joy (John 15:11). He also made this love onefor another the means by which all men would know that we are His disciples (John 13:35). Jesus made it very clear that if we would love Him that both He and the Father would come and make their dwelling with us (John 14:23). The realm of love is the realm where God dwells and so when we dwell in love we dwell in God (1 John 4:16). We learn that love is the greatest and most important thing of all. It is by love that faith works and it is through love that salvation was brought to us (1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:6; John 3:16). With 115 commands and examples given to us of the importance of love we should make it the foremost priority of our lives. Perhaps we spend so much time and effort searching for a model and a hidden key to revival and an increase in the anointing and the manifest presence of God while all of the time we pass over the answer. If we would only give ourselves over to His love continually and completely we would realize all of the things in God that we have desired. I am certain that on the Day of Judgment we are going to be primarily brought into question on how well we loved.


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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