Thursday, January 04, 2007

Daily Bread - Dec 23 2006

1 Peter 1:25 - "But the word of the Lord remains unto eternity, and this is the word which has been proclaimed to you."

There are two words used in the Greek language for "word:" 'logos' and 'rhema.' However, these two words are translated by one Hebrew word many times and especially when the word of the Lord is being referred to; the Hebrew word is 'dabar.' A classic example of this is in Exodus 19:6-9 where we find 'dabar' translated as 'rhema' twice and 'logos' twice. This synonymous interchange between the Greek word 'rhema' and 'logos' is further emphasized in 1-Kings 12:24 and 1-Samuel 15:23 where the expression "the word of the Lord" is found in each case twice, and in both instances it is translated using 'rhema' and then 'logos.' This interchange is observed many times throughout the Bible leaving us little doubt that there is any difference between the two.

The one interesting thing to note is that the expression the "word of the Lord" in the five books of Moses exclusively uses 'rhema' beginning with Genesis 15:1 through Deuteronomy 34:5. Peter also uses these two words somewhat interchangeably having said that we are born of the 'logos' in verse 23 and then describes that 'logos' of which we were born to be the 'rhema' that endures forever.

This same revelation that God's word is eternal is found in Isaiah 40:8. Jesus said that heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will not pass away (Mark 13:31). The Psalmist says that God's word is forever settled in heaven and that He has exalted it above His own name (Psalms 119:89; Psalms 138:2). Jesus said that it was the words that He had spoken that would judge men in the last day (John 12:48). The word of God reveals to us the will of God which is unchanging. The word of God is living, revealing, life giving, faith imparting, supernatural creative power of God at work on the inside of those who will believe.


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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