Monday, January 29, 2007

Daily Bread - Jan 29 07

Acts 16:6 - "And they went through Phrygia and the country of the Galatians being hindered by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia."

Surely the success and the power of those in the first century church was due to their submission to divine authority. Paul - who had received abundance of revelation and in fact in many ways was ahead of all the other ministries that were around him - deferred to the judgments of the leadership in Jerusalem (Acts 15:2; Galatians 2:1-2).

His walk with God was exemplified by humility and servitude as a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, he had a relationship with the Holy Spirit that afforded him specific direction about what he was supposed to do and when he was to do it. Furthermore, this is again clear evidence that God the Holy Spirit had come to lead the disciples and was in charge of the affairs of the church (Acts 5:32; 13:2,4; 15:28).


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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