Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Daily Bread - NOV/14/07

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 - For the weapons of our warfare are not of human ability but of God's ability to destroy strongholds, to destroy imaginations and every high thing exalted against the knowledge of God and to take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ.

The battlefield that we are engaged upon is the battlefield of the thoughts. Thoughts are the inspiration behind our decisions and our decisions set the course of our actions. Our actions will determine our success or our failure now and throughout eternity. God has not left us to our on ability to deal with this complex matrix of reasoning and thinking, but has given to us His thoughts (through His word) and His divine assistance to destroy the influences of man and the demonic realm every time they arise in our thinking. We must be wise enough to take our position upon this battlefield with a determination to stand against all those things that oppose the knowledge of God (Ephesians 6:10-11). If we do not sober up and realize that this is a real war then we will constantly be overthrown by our own neglect. We must place God's word in its rightful position as the supreme knowledge and insight. If you want to be successful and have those things that God has promised then every opposing thought must become the enemy and must be destroyed.

Both Satanic forces and natural events attempt to act as a blockade between us and the promises that God has given. These "high military works" that are thrown up to prevent us will not be able to stand against us as we move in the knowledge of God. Yet at the same time we must recognize that the knowledge of God will run contrary to what we have come to learn and believe about the world that we live in. God's knowledge says to raise the dead, man's knowledge says impossible! God's knowledge tells us that whatever we ask Father He will do it, whereas man's knowledge says "God helps them that help themselves." God's knowledge says give and it shall be given to you, man's knowledge says save it and you will have more.

Imaginations that come out of a logic inspired by fear and self-preservation will always lead us in a direction opposite of faith. Imaginations begin where knowledge ends. Knowledge allows us to understand the situations and challenges that we are faced with and derive a plan of action to deal with them. Imaginations are never based upon truth but upon fantasies; it is a kind of "false logic" that has no substance in reality. To be so naive and ignorant as to think that our imaginations are worth the time and meditation that we give to them is self-destructive. When you lack truth and knowledge, imaginations set in; therefore turn to the source, the word of God.

If we are going to be obedient to God then we are going to have to allow God's Word to dominate our thoughts. God's instructions must be the knowledge that we base all of our decisions on. There is no weapon like the sword of the Spirit, or the word of God because the knowledge of God will cut off every false thing. Those who walk in the knowledge that the Word of God gives will have those things that God has described and the blessing that its wisdom brings. It is the truth that sets free and the power of God that overthrows every lie and deception. It is the means to discern good and evil and the revealer of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Be blessed,

Pastor Mark Spitsbergen

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